Hopkinton Parks and Recreation
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Financial Aid Policy

The Hopkinton Parks and Recreation Department is committed to consistently providing high quality facilities, programs, and services to residents and visitors. In its goal to ensure Hopkinton Residents have equitable access to these facilities, programs, and services, and recognizing that Hopkinton is a diverse community with families of all socio-economic levels, the following policy has been developed to provide financial assistance to those that may otherwise be unable to afford paying the full amount of fees and charges.

In the event that a Hopkinton family is unable to pay the full amount of a fee or charge for a recreation program, the family should contact Hopkinton Parks and Recreation to request financial assistance. The department will request the applicant to verify financial need by providing documentation that they are receiving financial assistance from Hopkinton Public Schools. All scholarship requests and any associated documents that accompany an application will be treated with strict confidentiality. It is the intent of the recreation department that all recipients of scholarships are indistinguishable from patrons or participants that have paid the full amount of any fees or charges.

Households approved for financial assistance will receive a $3,000 annual credit. This credit can only be used towards programs and services offered by Parks & Recreation. 

Scholarship credits will be valid for a full calendar year, starting January 1st to December 31st. Please note, unused scholarship credits will not be carried over into a new year.

The Director of Parks and Recreation, has the discretion to award additional financial aid to families in need, ensuring that community members have access to programs and resources regardless of financial limitations. This authority allows the director to evaluate individual cases and determine the level of assistance based on specific criteria, such as family income, need for services, and availability of funds. By exercising this discretionary power, the director can support equitable access and promote inclusivity within community recreational programs.

Please contact the Parks and Recreation office with any questions, 508-497-9750.

Updated and approved by the P&R Commission on 10/8/24.