Netiquette, short for internet etiquette, encompasses a set of guidelines for respectful online communication. Elevate your child’s digital presence with our Pre-Teen Netiquette Program!
In today’s tech-savvy world, understanding social media etiquette, texting norms, and email protocol is essential. Digital users need to keep in mind that colleges and employers are seeking people with not just good technical and academic skills, but also with social graces, self-awareness, and a positive presence on the internet. Our program provides practical, hands-on guidance to ensure your child navigates the digital landscape with confidence and respect. Imagine them building positive online relationships while safeguarding their reputation.
Topics Include: Digital Communication Fundamentals, cybersecurity awareness, online reputation management, texting protocol: (when texting is appropriate, what to keep in mind when sending texts), email etiquette (tips to keep in mind when using email, professional email etiquette (formality, timing, salutations, subject line, reply all,
privacy, etc.), social media conduct (questions to ask yourself before you post on social media) the do’s & don’ts of social networking, being a professional on social media, handling online criticism and feedback and more!